Monday, 20 February 2012

Enterprise//Enterprise Group//1950's Horror Film Posters.

One of my secret loves (which some do and don't know) is 1950's horror film posters- and sometimes, if extra cheesy, the films themselves too. 
For our Enterprise group company 'Book Klub', we have also decided to propose that we create our own in house designs as a way to create more revenue as well as to keep ourselves on our toes in terms of contemporary and commercial (aka sellable...) design.
One of my design ideas to showcase in the presentation is a hypothetical horror film poster- inspired by some of these 1950's beauties- with wonderfully ornate, hand-rendered typography and bold, high-impact illustrations with wonderfully washed out and faded colour palettes that I just love.
One day, I would love to transform this fascination with these designs into a full- blown project, but for now, they'll provide me with a great source of instantaneous inspiration- my design(s) to be published onto this blog as soon as possible!

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