Thursday, 16 February 2012

Enterprise//Potential Retail Property.

In our group session on Tuesday, we had a good talk over the decision of where our final premises would be- and decided that it was between the two that I had researched in the "University hub" of Blenheim Terrace, which is on the same road as the cafes and Blackwell's bookshop that are heavily populated with students from the three major Universities in Leeds- Leeds Uni, Leeds Met, and Leeds College of Art.

On the Right Move/Handley Gibson site the small office space site at 6 Blenheim Terrace was priced at £12,500- a great price, but a lot of potential renovations would be needed- and as a rental retail property, we weren't sure of the possibilities of this. Also, no mention was given to the actual sq/ft of the rental site- just a few basic pictures. Although an email was sent, unfortunately, three days later, we're still yet to hear back, so we may have to take a gamble, though sadly it won't be as informed as we would have hoped.

The other site, also a Handley Gibson, slightly closer to the Universities up the road, is a stunning site, newly rennovated and huge- covering three floors as opposed to the other site's 2 floors (ground/basement)- however, with a 'POA' (price on application) this could only mean expense/negotiable pricing, and with the lack of communication from the previous property, we found it would be a more sensible option to work with the smaller office space for financial reasons, as well as the aforementioned lack of communication, and short time frame left on the project.

Whilst looking at 6 Blenheim Terrace- I also found this property for sale- the first floor of the original office find- open plan, light, and very inexpensive- just £7,500 per annum. However, on reflection, the two stories felt far more suited for the retail space and print workshop environment we want to create, and therefore, we have decided upon this option.

1 comment:

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