Tuesday, 8 May 2012

PPD//Industry Experience//Contacting studios.

Throughout today, having finalised my CV and PDF portfolio to send to design studios, as well as creating a condensed list of the studios that I was most interested in getting in touch with (and, therefore, contacted first), I have very happily now contacted a total of 13 studios so far, along with my three contacted over the weekend, now adding the studios below to my list (as evidenced in each of the emails, of which a draft was written, and then slightly adapted, where appropriate, for each):

- Split
- Box- head*
- The Archipelago
- B&W Studio
- Burst*
- Creative Orchestra
- Pearlfisher
- Taxi Studio
- La Boca
- Smile


Taxi Studio, Bristol
Smile, Birmingham

I exictedly found two replies, though (unfortunately!) automated- one from Taxi Studio letting me know that Terry, the recipient of my message would be out until Thursday (at least that will give me a clearer understanding in terms of receiving/replying times!), and one from Smile, which was probably the kindest form of rejection in this first instance- that they aren't currently looking for multi-disciplinary designers, but solely web designers, though my CV will be added to their database.

Looking forward to hopefully hearing some more responses soon!

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