Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Enterprise//Group Meeting.

Had a quick lunchtime meeting today to discuss our development with the 'Creative Review' magazine ad, and what we propose to do for our design- the style, the execution, and the responsibility we will each have within the group before handing in our first designs on Tuesday.

Yesterday, Matt discussed the idea of the advertisement being a mocked-up cover of a magazine (rostrum shot photography) with our company details/ethos on etc- and I suggested taking it further maybe by playing upon the idea of the school/student theme (our target audience) with the name 'Book Club' and create a rostrum shot scene where several school-related paraphernalia are laid out alongside the magazine- shot crisply for a contemporary "exploded diagram" style visual of what we are about- with pens, pencils, paints, and other forms of creative media (that are used to produce the zines and books we are proposing to stock and sell).

Went away with a TO-DO list for FRIDAY which includes:

- Experimenting with logo design
- Work on a slogan
- Create preliminary ideas for the ad (take photos, make sketches, collect any items, etc)
- Ad research (Creative Review)
- Questionnaire for our target audience- is this something they would like to see in Leeds?
- Market research- existing zine and booksellers in Leeds ('Village', etc)
- Research retail space in Leeds (Blackwells, Moorhouse Lane? Consider price and restrictions)

Blog posts will follow with the relevant research and design development for this task, and throughout the rest of the enterprise module.

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