Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Design Practice II//YCN/Graze/Final Crit Feedback.

Final Crit Feedback and information from today's session. Working in groups of three (with the two members of each group- Charlie and I, Simon and Will, Oli and James), we each went around viewing the final design boards that we had created to present, writing on the feedback sheets about our initial thoughts and opinions before then openly discussing our design intentions and plans for the future of the project before Tuesday's final submission. 

Before the crits began, Charlie and I wrote a list of five specific questions that we felt would be important to address in the crit and get feedback from:

1/ Is our colour scheme appropriate for the brand and/or product?
2/ Is the branding suitable for our target audience?
3/ What do you think about the idea of a miniature box for mailshot deliverables?
4/ Aesthetically and physically, is there enough balance between print and digital design outcomes?
5/ Is the box and branding eye catching and engaging enough?

The crit, as ever, was really useful, and I can speak for both Charlie and myself when I say it was really useful to get the opinions of our peers, and maybe to realise that we were doing okay for the moment (and not to be too worried about getting it finished on time!). 

One particular topic that was bought up by James and Oli was the notion that the knife and fork logo wasn't very appropriate because of the "nibble" nature of Graze. This is something that I had worried about when creating the design, but without being overly conceptual (and therefore not very visually communicative) I found it quite difficult to come up with any other ideas that were contemporary and suited our campaign.

After discussing the integration of the spork/spoons to the Graze box to suit the more formal working environment, as a group, we came to a mutual agreement that, although not ideal in terms of visual communication, we would keep the logo (for now at very least) as it is- a good lesson in branding for me!

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