Thursday, 22 September 2011

MODULE BRIEF: Personal & Professional Development 2.


It is important to see this briefing as a starting point for an ongoing and increasingly individual/independent enquiry that underpins your studio practice. Your approach to this brief in relation to the rest of your work should be distinct enough to allow for a sufficient level of objective reflection but integrated enough to maintain relevance to your practical work.


You will be supported in the development and presentation of:-

* Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) in the form of a blog- through this you will need to demonstrate a reflective approach to your source material and experiences in order to develop your own opinions, ambitions and rationale towards the graphic design industry. You should be able to demonstrate an increasingly focused and informed understanding of more specific areas of creative and professional interest. See additional studio brief- 30%.

* Promotional Material- this should demonstrate your ability to select and organise examples of your practical work providing the basis for an ongoing and developing portfolio of work that can be used for gaining work placement(s). Your portfolio should be branded and be developed in both digital and print format. It should be suitable for professional presentation and distribution. See additional studio brief- 20%.

* An oral presentation to be delivered to members of your work group- you should aim to summarise your second year experience with a view to more professional and independent approaches to study in your third year. Your presentation should draw together examples of contemporary design practice and relate them to the development of your own work and oppurtunities for professional research and/or work placement. See additional studio brief- 50%.

Each of these elements should be seen as interrelated and reflect a growing independence and ability to make decisions from an increasingly informed position. You will be briefed seperately on each element.

Preperation/Research Suggestions

* You should review handouts and support material from previous PPD modules as well as Enterprise & Innovation at Level 4.
* Your portfolio should be established by your first PPD2 tutorial and added to as your work progresses. 
* Maintain records of letters of enquiry, emails, and any evidence of visits, etc. in an organised file.

Visit the E-studio and digital hub for further information, research suggestions and resources.

Interim Briefing: 21/02/12
Deadline: 08/06/12

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