Tuesday 13 November 2012

Professional Development III//Reply from Touch Agency.

I was really pleased yesterday to have recieved a very prompt reply from Martin at Touch (Agency), a studio I contacted on Sunday evening, up in Edinburgh, in regards to a potential studio visit with them, and have asked as to when I might be interested in visiting.

I also found out that friend and fellow BAGDer, Kirsty Alderson, had contacted Touch in regards for going for a visit in the summer, but unfortunately couldn't at the time due to financial reasons. So, proposing that we go up in the New Year (with a student loan to help us along), it would be a great opportunity for us to both go and visit the studio for an informal chat and potential portfolio review, which I'm sure would be fantastic for us both in regards to professional development, but also a slightly less intimidating one with a friend close by!

More blog updates as and when news/dates are confirmed.

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