Friday, 6 May 2011

Speaking from Experience: Project Consdierations.

Whilst I am looking to advice foods which are energy-rich, I also need to be aware of items that counteract this also. 
As well as this, some of the energy-rich foods I have picked up on- coffee, chocolate, can also have negative side affects- withdrawl symptoms or high fat content. This may be a point to consider when finalising my items selection- having a low calorie, high energy, low fat selection. 

Foods low in energy/"danger foods":
*chocolate or other fast-action sugar boosts- can often bring down a massive "crash" after the initial boost.
*fried/high fat foods
= foods with "empty" calories- a high calorie content but with little or no nutritional value.

I'm now definately considering creating "meal plans" as oppossed to just the food items alone, though, as I said before, I am a little considered that I may be veering away from the course element.


-A seven-day week meal plan- an easy guide to diet advice, without the worries but all the energy!
-A "designer diet" lunchbox- lunchbox meal suggestions to keep you going through the day- easy meals to make with all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

I now think that I much prefer the lunchbox idea- with foods that you could create the night before, ensuring you get enough sleep at night (not worrying about having to get up early to prep!) and also keeping you stimulated and alive and kicking throughout the day. I'm not entirely sure how well this would now work as a papercraft experiement- I think that there might be too much detail going on, as oppossed to the one element alone.

Hopefully I will get a chance to discuss this with tutors on Friday's crit session, and hopefully take more of a direction from then on. I will prepare and research some diet plan suggestions on my design context blog ( until that time, in preperation.

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