Sunday, 6 February 2011

Collection 100: Module Feedback.

Issues Raised: 

*Consider my visual language more carefully- evaluate my audience in closer detail.
*Consider styling and design, colours, etc.

Action to be taken:

*Go back to the brief and evaluate every nook and cranny!
*Potentially re-design.
*Consider mapping the information and message I am trying to portray more clearly.



From my feedback, I gained a lot of insight into my work and the problems with it- not really taking the time out to asess my work more carefully throughout the design process (a problem I have had with my work more than once, and know that I should really start to amend- it will not only save time, but also money in printing!).

Although my tutors said it was not entirely necessary, I feel that I need to completely re-evaluate my product, and design something almost completely new.
Therefore, in the two weeks before my project hand-in, from brainstorming several ideas, I hope to go back to my original product design ideas and create the following pieces...

*a swatch book with cut-out-and-keep moustache styles- a "know before you grow" guide.
*moustache "business cards" to take to the barbershop for styling.
*an A1 poster displaying 100 moustache styles for the barbershop.
*sticker set with "moustache club" esque stickers on (for the elite moustache-wearer's club!)

I hope through this re-design I will reflect a lot more upon my work, and notice any flaws from an early stage, to produce the best product possible within this short time.

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