Monday, 28 February 2011

Book Works: Final Outcome.

With my visual language live brief design for 'Book Works' complete after around two weeks crafting, I am really pleased with the results I have achieved- perhaps for one of the first times, my design exactly how I had originally imagined, and intended.
The images below show my progression through the print stages...

A quick CMYK inkjet print test in A4 on my home computer. Because of the subsitution of the text (Gill Sans to Gill Sans > Gill Sans MT) everything was un-aligned due to the wider kerning. 
A quick tester (largely to see how the colours in print as oppossed to screen)- no real use, but a worthwhile experiment- good to see that what I originally thought about A4 scale (that it would be too small) was correct. 

Concerned that I mightn't have time to print onto the stock of my choice (cartridge paper) due to restricted digital print room opening hours in time for the final crit in tomorrow's session, I decided to print onto A3 printer paper in the mac suites. However, when I went to double-side print my A3 sheets from the Illustrator programme, unusually, it was cropping 1/3 off from the sheets on one side. 
With help from a technincian (who assured me that this was an ongoing problem they were facing when double-sided printing), I saved my file as a PostScript, and then opened it in Preview, whereupon I would be able to double-sided print without this flaw..

...However, once I had printed, I discovered that saving the file and opening in Preview did not group my ammendments to the image on that day (for example, above, the Mandarin script symbol was still in 0.75pt, as I originally drew, as oppossed to 0.35, as it should have been.).

Fortunately, there was an oppurtunity available to print my designs in the digital print room- after a test run of one of the booklets, I noticed a flaw with the positioning of one of my Bengali script symbols- after staring at the monitor for hours on end, this was easily missed, definately a lesson in checking, checking, and checking again(!) when it comes to typo's- I'm very glad I printed a test before my final batch of ten!

...A double-sided print booklet, sliced and folded into the hot dog format. 

And the final product, complete with belly binds, as designed by tutor, Amber.
I have really enjoyed this live brief visual language project, and feel like my software skills have developed considerably as a result of it. The excitement and anticipation for the "live" factor of this brief has certainly spurned me on, and driven me to meet the deadline, and, hopefully, exceed it.
I've recieved really great feedback, and I really hope that it is well met at both the final crit tomorrow, and the internation book crafter's fayre next week at Leeds University!

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