Friday, 29 April 2011

Speaking from Experience: Concept Development.

Working in small groups (mine being alongside Beth and Chloe) we discussed our ideas that we had generated for the brief since Tuesday's briefing with Fred. It was a really great oppurtunity to hear one another's ideas and how we were viewing and approaching the brief so far, and fun to hear about the topics and concepts raised.

Most importantly, It felt really good to have someone listening to your ideas who would respond honestly- what they felt would work, and what wouldn't work quite so well, as well as talking about our experiences as newbie first years- and remembering how we felt at that time to achieve the most from the brief.

We then went on to break down our concept problems, and how we could possibly tackle them... the 5 I chose were:

-how to cope with the lack of sleep
-organising your time and juggling briefs
-missing home, friends and family
-controlling your budgeting/spending efficently
-not knowing anyone-how to make new friends

and this was how I divided them and broke them down into finer detail...

1. how to cope with the lack of sleep

* make a pixilation animation about how to prioritise sleeping patterns and overcoming tiredness.
* make infographic poster about foods with highest sugar count- keeping you buzzing!
* make booklet about effective remedies and how to sleep well.
* screen/digital print onto bedsheet/duvet cover about effective ways to get to sleep.
* make a photographic poster series- "the decent into stress"- from a healthy portrait to a tired, exhausted image. complete with info/advice text.

2. organising your time and juggling briefs

* make an online/interactive timetable guide: an hour-by-hour management guide.
* make a "mind map" poster- cross-section poster of the brain divided sections with important priorities and points you MUST remember.
* time lapse animation about the fast pace of uni and how to keep up with it (sound bite voice over)
* make a poster series about how to de-stress (with multiple briefs) and most most effectively.
* make animation about work "piling up" (busy desk- literally filling up) with voice-over about how to reduce the workload.
3. missing home, friends and family

*make a papercraft animation about how to keep in touch- snail mail, phone, email, etc- make the items out of paper and animate.
* animation- kinetic type spoken as a phone conversation- with people from the course's view of what moving away from home felt like.
* hand written/drawn animation about how to write home and keep in regular contact- voice over as pen writes on the page.
* write a poem about how to be independent and take care of yourself- create a voice over to animated hand-drawn type.
* video about what people from the course have found most difficult about moving away from home- link in the "eBay ad" out of context language link style.

4. controlling your spending/budgeting effectively

* infographics chart design posters about how to make your savings grow at uni.
* papercraft animation about savings "don't let your money go up in smoke!"
* infographics map guide with highlights of the most affordable places to shop in leeds: divided into categories: clothes, food, music, design materials, etc.
* booklet with highlighted guide to the building societies and banks in leeds- where you can save £, info about ISAs etc.
* poster series about how to save money on your food shop- buying when deals are on, TINS!, market etc.

5. not knowing anyone- making friends

* pixilation animation about first day etiquette and body language- how to avoid coming across as a raving looney.
* write and record sound bites of limericks- people's views on one another and how to avoid alienation.
* illustrative booklet guidde to positive and negative body langauge.
* concertina booklet about easing into the course and gaining confidence with your peers.
*  pamphlet stitch book- great "one liner" quotes and ways to introduce yourself.

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