Sunday 24 April 2011

Communication is a virus: Book-binding.

I finally managed to find the time to bind the 'Rules for Fools'' book guide which my group made for the 'Communication is a virus' project.

I decided to bind the book in a parchment stitch- neat, tidy and traditional- also allowing a completely flat page and DPS viewing for easy readability. 
I decided to use a burnt orange Guttermann thread- notoriously strong and resilent (commonly used in machine stitching, which I then doubled over in the stitch once more for extra strength.

As I have mentioned before, I would still really like to be able to develop this project in my own time, as I felt we left it stilted and still reasonably unanswered, however, this is going to be subject to my time scale and the balance of other projects within the module and elsewhere- both inside and outside of my degree education.

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