Friday, 24 September 2010

How To...Self Evaluation

Today, after a week's hard graft, we were set the task of presenting our first week-long module to the rest of the Graphic Design year group. I believe that the group delivered some wonderfully innovative, creative, and memorable picthes which had the potential and professionalism to be a marketable and successful product(s).

I felt very pleased with our presentation, and final outcomes (to be posted soon!), of which i went into greater detail in our self-evaluation questionnaire:

What role(s) did you take on it the group?
We each took an even distribution of responsibility within the group, and designed an original cotton tote bag, each with unique designs to reflect the personalities of the new students of whom would be receiving the product.

How well do you think you performed in the role(s)?
I think at times the organisation of our group was a little stressful, and of course, that had an impact on the work (largely in terms of quantity), but I believe, despite this, we all managed our time resonably effectively, and, if anything, as aforementioned, I would have liked to produce more samples of design work, though I am very pleased with the outcome we resulted in.

How well do you think you worked as a group?
Again, it was admittedly a little stressful at times, as there were many strong characters within our group, and sometimes we found it difficult to communicate our ideas to one another- usually because there were so many!
However, I believe that we comprimised very well in particular circumstances and have, in conclusion, created a strong collection of work.

What were the positives of working in a group?
Everything is produced so much quicker! It was really fantastic to see how quickly work could be produced, and I really feel that I learnt from working with new people with new, fresh ideas.

What were the negatives of working in a group?
Often, I felt that people were reluctant to veer away from ideas, as I feel that most of us are quite "set in our ways", and are used to working in our own particular ways. Fortunately, however, this was often quickly resolved.

What will you do differently next time?
I think, mainly, we would need to develop a stronger line of communication between ourselves to avoid any possible confusion in regards to the processes and design ideas (that we occasionally did have to face!).

Where could you have improved your resolution?
I think that we had a particularly difficult problem to resolve- home sickness is often inevitable, and without the obvious solutions of visiting home etc, it can be quite challenging to think of a suitable resolution, as everyone deals with this issue in very different ways.
However, I believe that we could have perhaps made more contents for our bags if we had planned and managed our time more efficiently.

What were the strengths of your presentation?
I feel very proud of our group, and believe that we delivered a concise, personal and confident pitch.
I found everyone discussing their own particular bag design was a real highlight for me, as I felt that you could really see how passionate people were about their work, and the satisfaction that this review gave us all.

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